Promoter-dependent transcription of tRNAITyr genes using DNA fragments produced by restriction enzymes.

Two DNA fragments prepared from the transducing bacteriophage strains ø80psuIII+ and ø80hpsuIII+,- by digestion with restriction enzymes contain one tyrosine tRNA gene (suIII+) and two tyrosine tRNA genes (suIII+, su-) in tandem, respectively, a single promoter in both cases, and some additional DNA regions at the two ends of both. Using these fragments, we have studied characteristics of the promoter-dependent transcription of the tyrosine tRNA genes. The promoter-dependent transcripts were shown to correspond to the expected tRNA precursors. Exposure of the transcript from the single gene fragment to an S100 extract from Escherichia coli gave, via intermediates, 4S material which was active in enzymatically accepting tyrosine and contained some modified bases.