Anthocyanin Pigments in the Skin of Lychee Fruit

The anthocyanins in the skin of lychee fruit were isolated and purified by Sephadex G‐25 and LH‐20 gel column chromatography, and Sep‐Pak C‐18 cartridge. Further separation by HPLC on a C‐18 column, on‐line spectra by photodiode array detection, and acid and alkali hydrolyses were used for identification. Cyanidin‐3‐rutinoside was the major anthocyanin found. Cyanidin‐3‐gIucoside and malvidin‐3‐ace‐tylglucoside were also identified. Polymerized anthocyanin pigment was also present, appearing to contribute to the brownish‐red color.