Specificity of the Primary and Secondary Antibody Responses to Myxoviruses

Summary: Studies with inactivated measles virus in guinea pigs showed: The early response to primary antigenic stimulus was production of 19S antibody alone.A 7S antibody component was regularly demonstrated in the later phases of the primary response.The secondary response to the same antigen was characterized by a rapid increase in 7S antibody production and by the absence of 19S.Five of six animals failing to produce detectable hemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibodies during the 1st week of immunization showed an accelerated 19S and 7S antibody responses to an injection given on the 7th day.Antibody responses to challenge with monkey-grown measles virus and chick-grown measles virus appeared identical in animals immunized with chick-grown vaccine. Studies with mumps and DA viruses in monkeys showed: Previous exposure to DA virus did not alter the primary nature of the response to mumps virus.The primary response to mumps infection did not alter the secondary character of the heterologous DA antibody rise.