Folate Deficiency and Pancreatic Acinar Cell Function

The effect of folate deficiency on pancreatic acinar cell function was determined. In the 1st series of experiments, 3 groups of rats were fed ad libitum regular rat feed, folate-deficient diet, or an equivalent amount of folate-sufficient diet. In the 2nd series of experiments, rats were either fed ad libitum or rendered folate deficient by a purified folate-deficient diet; half of the folate-deficient group was replenished with oral folate. Body weight, pancreatic weight, DNA, [methyl-14C]thymidine incorporation into DNA, RNA, [8-14C]adenine incorporation into RNA, protein content, synthesis of proteins, amylase content and basal and bethanechol-stimulated amylase secretion were determined. The parameters were the same in the rats fed a folate-sufficient diet as in those fed a regular rat feed. Feeding a folate-deficient diet resulted in impaired DNA synthesis as evidenced by diminished incorporation of [methyl-14C]thymidine into DNA. There was no change in secretion of amylase. Similar results were obtained in the 2nd series of experiments. Folate deficiency (rather than antibiotic content of the diet) apparently impaired pancreatic function. Folate deficiency may therefore contribute to pancreatic injury in malnutrition and alcoholism.