Wood anatomy of Pseudowintera axillaris J. R. et G. Forst. (Dandy), P. colorata (Raoul) Dandy, and P. traversii (Buchan.) Dandy is described. Growth rings are indistinct to slightly distinct. Vessels are absent from normal wood and wound tissue. There was no evidence to indicate that Pseudowintera once possessed vessels and subsequently lost them. Axial parenchyma, which is diffuse, diffuse-in-aggregates, and boundary, occurs frequently. Trabeculae are recorded in two parenchyma strands. Rays are heterogeneous. Multiseriate rays are extremely large, and sometimes noded. Tracheids have alternate bordered pits with included lenticular pits mouths. Tori are absent from bordered pits. Spiral thickening and trabeculae are occasionally present. Pits to rays are similar to pits between tracheids, but usually smaller. The woods of the three species are similar and cannot be separated microscopically or macroscopically. A perforated tracheid was found in wound tissue of P. axillaris.