Temperature dependence of anisotropy fields in deuterium implanted garnet films

The total implantation‐induced uniaxial anisotropy field change ΔHE, and that portion attributed to the magnetostriction ΔHσ have been measured in deuterium implanted garnet films from 20 to 180 °C. No saturation in ΔHE was observed for the highest strain measured, 2.2%. ΔHE and ΔHσ were found to decrease nearly linearly with increasing temperature. The ratio ΔHσHE was approximately 0.4. In films which were implanted with doses up to 1×1016 D+2/cm2,4πMs(I) decreased more than λ111(I) relative to their nonimplanted values, although λ111(I) decreased faster than 4πMs(I). The quantity λ111/Ms(B) in the bulk and λ111/Ms(I) in the implanted layer had different temperature dependences, which depended on the amount of implant‐induced damage.