The Relationship between certain Semen Quality Tests and Fertility and the Interrelationship of these Tests

100 semen samples were used for correlation analyses of semen quality and fertility data. The criteria used were initial motility, concn. of spermatozoa, methylene blue reduction time, motility at end of 3-day-storage, motility after cold shock, and resistance to NaCl soln. Concn., particularly when semen is extended at high ratios, is an important test. Standardization of the number of spermatozoa to 300 million increased the accuracy of the methylene blue reduction test. The resistance and incubation tests were unreliable and impractical. Bull semen should be extended on the basis of number of progressively motile spermatozoa rather than on volume, and probably not to less than 12-15 million motile spermatozoa/ml.