ZnS:Mn Electroluminescent Thin Films Prepared by Multisource Deposition under Controlled Sulfur Vapor Pressure

ZnS:Mn thin-film electroluminescent (TFEL) devices have been prepared by using a multisource deposition (MSD) method. A new technique of sulfur vapor pressure control has been developed for the thin-film growth at a high sulfur vapor pressure. Growth kinetics of ZnS:Mn thin films on the sulfur vapor pressure have been studied. It has been found that at sulfur vapor pressure higher than 0.1 Pa, the growth rate is limited by the effective amount of the Zn flux. The ZnS:Mn film grown at the sulfur vapor pressure of 0.85 Pa shows a smooth surface and has a uniform grain size of about 200 nm. The ZnS:Mn TFEL device shows the luminance of 300 cd/m2 and the efficiency of 3.5 lm/W at 30 V above the threshold voltage of 180 V with 60 Hz drive.