Protein-DNA Interactions at Steroid Hormone Regulated Genes

This work summarizes binding data that were obtained with partially purified glucocorticoid and progesterone receptors, as well as with a crude nuclear protein extract, to DNA sequences in and around hormonally regulated genes. The sequence recognition by the glucocorticoid receptor at the different defined glucocorticoid regulatory elements (GRE) is discussed and a consensus sequence formulated. A three dimensional representation gives an impression of the mode of interaction between the protein and the double helix of DNA. In the promoters of mouse mammary tomour virus (MTV) and chicken lysozyme overlapping binding sites for both, glucocorticoid and progestine-receptors are found that are responsible for the hormonal inducibility of the genes. In crude extract from rat liver nuclei, a nonhistone protein is found that specifically binds to sequences on the MTV-LTR region overlapping the GRE. The possible implication of this protein in hormonal regulation of transcription is discussed.