Poly(dG).poly(dC) at neutral and alkaline pH: the formation of triple stranded poly(dG).poly(dG). poly(dC)

Alkaline titrations of different samples of poly(dG).poly(dC) and of the constituent homopolymers poly(dG) and poly(dC) have been performed in 0.15 M NaCl and their CD spectra followed. Sample I contained a slight excess of poly(dC) (52% C: 48% G) and showed a single reversible transition (pK = 11.9) due to the dissociation of double stranded poly(dG).poly(dC). Sample II, containing an excess of poly(dG) (43% C: 57% G), showed two transitions (pK1 = 11.4, PK2 = 11.9) the first one being only partially reversible. Examination of the CD spectra along the alkaline titrations indicated the presence of another hydrogen-bonded complex of higher G content. Mixing curves performed at pH 8 have confirmed the presence of a 2G: 1C complex, besides the double stranded complex. It can be formed in amounts up to 30% by mixing the two homopolymers, alkali treatment and heating. The CD spectra of the two complexes have been computed from the CD data of the mixing curves. This permitted the determination of the concentrations of both complexes and homopolymers in all samples. The ratio of triple to double stranded complex is not only dependent on the G/C ratio of the sample, but also a function of the previous physico-chemical conditions. These results explain the variability of many properties of different poly(dG).poly(dC) samples observed by other workers.