Thick, crack-free blue light-emitting diodes on Si(111) using low-temperature AlN interlayers and in situ SixNy masking

Thick, entirely crack-free GaN-based light-emitting diode structures on 2 in. Si(111) substrates were grown by metalorganic chemical-vapor deposition. The ∼2.8-μm-thick diode structure was grown using a low-temperature AlN:Si seed layer and two low-temperature AlN:Si interlayers for stress reduction. In current–voltage measurements, low turn-on voltages and a series resistance of 55 Ω were observed for a vertically contacted diode. By in situ insertion of a SixNy mask, the luminescence intensity is significantly enhanced. A light output power of 152 μW at a current of 20 mA and a wavelength of 455 nm is achieved.