Electromagnetic properties of the11/2states inSn111andSn113

In order to study the core polarization effects in medium heavy spherical nuclei the mean lives and g factors of the 11/2 states in Sn111 and Sn113 have been measured. The isomeric states were populated by the Cd111(α,2n)Sn113 and Ag107,109(Li7,3n)Sn111,113 reactions with pulsed α and Li7 beams. The nuclear spin precession in the 60 kG field of an on-line superconducting magnet was observed time differentially. The following values were obtained: Sn111 (11/2, 979.6 keV): τ=13.3(15) ns, g=0.23(2); Sn113 (11/2, 740 keV): τ=118.5(25) ns, g=0.235(4). The magnetic moments of the 11/2 states in Sn111,113,115,119 and their near constancy as a function of mass number are reproduced by a first order M1 core polarization calculation using pairing model wave functions, experimentally determined energy denominators, and occupancy parameters. The strong reduction of the M2 rates for the h112g72 transition as compared to the single particle estimate shows the destructive effect of the spin-isospin M2 core polarization.