New species of Hippothoidae (Bryozoa) from Chile, Antarctica and New Zealand

Six austral hippothoan species—Celleporella antarctica n.sp., C. bougainvillei (d'Orbigny), C. patagonica (Busk), C. yagana n.sp., Plesiothoa australis n.sp. and P. coquimbana n.sp.—are described. Of the new species, P. coquimbana, P. australis and C. yagana occur along the coasts of northern, central and southern Chile respectively, and C. antarctica along the Antarctic Peninsula and Ross Sea area. Plesiothoa australis is also in New Zealand. Celleporella yagana has been segregated from C. patagonica, which actually comprised two separate, but similar, species. Celleporella antarctica, which is similar to C. bougainvillei, typically occurs on reduced surfaces such as erect bryozoans and hydroids.