Compound BW759 (9-[2-hydroxy-1-(hydroxymethyl)ethoxymethyl]guanine) was shown to be about 230 times more active than acyclovir (9-[2-hydroxyethoxymethyl]guanine) (ACV) against Equid herpesvirus type 1 infection in Syrian hamsters and was more effective against Aujeszky's disease in mice. The therapeutic superiority of BW759 over ACV was greater than expected from quantitative inhibitory results in tissue culture with these viruses. When administered to hamsters at dose rates sufficient to prevent any Equid herpesvirus type 1-induced mortality (100 mg of ACV per kg per day; 3 mg of BW759 per kg per day), BW759 inhibited viral multiplication, as judged by histopathological observations, clinical chemistry, and liver virus concentrations, to a greater extent than ACV. Compound BW759 was particularly effective when administered via the oral route. The reasons for the superiority of BW759 over ACV remain to be elucidated.