Extract Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus has been associated with respiratory infection (Webster and Manktelow, 1959 Webster, R. C. and Manktelow, B. W. 1959. Some; observations on bovine rhinotracheitis in New Zealand. N.Z. vet. J., 7: 143–148. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] ) and genital infections (Manktelow and Hansen, 1961 Manketlow, B. W. and Hansen, N. F. 1961. The isolation of a cytopathic agent resembling the virus of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis from an outbreak of pustular vulvovaginitis in cattle. N.Z. vet. J., 9: 136–140. [Google Scholar] ) in New Zealand. The possible role of IBR virus in abortion has been reviewed by Durham ( 1974 Durham, P. J. K. 1974. Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virusand its role in bovine abortion. N.Z. vet. J., 22: 175–179. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] ).