Pulsed operation lasing in a cleaved-facet InGaN/GaNMQW SCH laser grown on 6H-SiC

Room temperature pulsed-operation lasing has been achieved for the first time in an InGaN laser grown on a 6H-SiC substrate. The laser structure is an 8-well InGaN/GaN MQW having Al0.06Ga0.94N waveguide and Al0.13Ga0.87N cladding layers. The index-guided laser having uncoated cleaved facets emits at 402 nm with a threshold current Ith of 1.2 A (42V), corresponding to a current density of 48 kA/cm2. A narrow line width of 0.8 Å is observed at 1.09 Ith. Far field measurements indicate that the devices operate in the TEM01 mode with FWHP of 5.7 and 19° for the in-plane and perpendicular directions, respectively.