Chelation was applied with intravenous infusions of disodium ethylene diamide tatraacetate (EDTA), 3 g in 500 ml 10% levulose solution daily, 5 days weekly, to 15 patients with diabetes and various calcific complications: shoulder tenosynovitis; hard prostatic hypertrophic calcinoisis with dysuria, urinary residue and hypertension; peripheral vascular disease with rest and walking leg pains; diabetic ulcers; gangrenous toes; diabetic retinopa-thy; acute and chronic brain syndrome with ataxia, aphasia, amnesia personality decay; strokes with various paralyses. Only toxicity, local pain, was easily relieved with ice applications and slowing the infusion rates. Pyridoxine HCI 25 mg was given 3 times daily during infusions, by mouth. Subjective response was usually rapid relief of pain, improved walking, sleep, urination, mental state; recovery from weaknesses, amnesia, aphasia; lower blood pressure, better vision, much better diabetic control. Objective signs were: better color, temperature, pulses, oscillometric readings and quick healing of ulcers, gangrene; clearing of X-rays calcific densities with recovery of mobility of joints; reduced s. cholesterol and blood urea, softening and reduction in size of the prostate with no further dysuria or residual urine; retinal micro-photographs showing arrest of diabetic retinopathy, clearing of many hemorrhages and exudates; post-morten findings of improved vascular bed in kidneys and pancreas, lysing of intimal atherosclerotic plaques, but not of medial calcinoses. Best therapeutic index was the increase in calciuria in all responsive cases.