Reactions in Crystalline Lattices: Spectroscopic Evidence for the Oxidation of Sm2+ to Sm3+ in KCl

With varying concentrations of O2 and H2O, oxidation of Sm2+ to Sm3+ is observed. Experimental proof of the oxidation process is given by: (1) the disappearance of the characteristic absorption bands of Sm2+, accompanied by a dramatic decrease in the Sm2+ 5D07FJ fluorescence intensity; (2) the observation of the 5H5/24I13/2 absorption lines of Sm3+; and (3) the reappearance of Sm2+ fluorescence lines upon gamma irradiation of the oxidized sample. The discovery of a cubic Sm2+ site, which gives rise to a 5D07F1 fluorescence transition with a magnetic splitting factor of 1.48 ± 0.05 in excellent agreement with the Landé gλ factor of 1.5, is also reported. The significance of the hitherto unobserved cubic site is discussed.