Time-resolved photoluminescence studies of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells

We report both cw and time resolved optical investigations performed on an InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well grown by MOVPE on -oriented sapphire substrate. At low temperature we find a strong “blue” luminescence band, of which energy position corresponds well with the wavelength of stimulated emission when excited with a nitrogen laser. We show that this PL band appears systematically red-shifted with respect to the QWs features, which supports a standard picture of fluctuations of the indium composition. Coming to the time-resolved data, we find at low temperature at least two “blue” band components which are both associated with long decay times (up to 4-5 ns at 8K). The decay time is temperature dependent and, when rising the temperature, the recombination rate increases. At room temperature, we reach typical values in the range ~100 to 500 ps.