Ion bombardment effect on Si homoepitaxial growth from ion molecular beams

The effect of ion bombardment with energy of 0.5–5 keV on the process of Si film epitaxial growth on a silicon substrate has been studied. It was shown experimentally that single crystal films are formed at an accelerating potential of 2 keV if the degree of vapour current ionization is 0.1%. In this case the epitaxial temperature is two times lower. Spatial distributions of thermal energy being released during Si+ and Ar+ ion implantation according to ion energy and oxide layer thickness and the distribution of point defects have been obtained by computer simulation based on the Monte-Carlo method. SO2 film destruction by ion bombardment has been considered. The density of growing centres has been calculated and it is in a good agreement with the experimental value. The mechanism of ion irradiation effect on the process of Si film epitaxial growth is discussed.