Interactive Growth of Staphylococcus aureus Strains with a Poultry Skin Microflora in a Diffusion Apparatus

The growth of different biotypes of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from poultry was studied using the NBS Ecologen in which the interacting mixed culture was derived from the microfiora of hen skin and separated from the Staph. aureus culture by a membrane of 0.4 μm pore size. Inhibition of growth of the Staph. aureus cultures occurred with strains from each biotype. Marked inhibition of growth was always accompanied by the production of large numbers (>109/ml) of plaque forming units (phage). In the mixed culture chamber poultry phage group C strains became the predominant Staph. aureus type. The phages produced by the mixed culture showed a wide spectrum of lytic activity for the propagating strains of the human, bovine and poultry phage sets.