Size dependence of the characteristics of Si single-electron transistors on SIMOX substrates

A Si single-electron transistor (SET) was fabricated by converting a one-dimensional (1-D) Si wire on a SIMOX substrate into a small Si island with a tunneling barrier at each end by means of pattern-dependent oxidation. Since the size of the Si island became as small as around 10 nm owing to this novel technique, the total capacitance of the SET was reduced to a value of the order of 1 aF, which guaranteed the conductance oscillation of the SET even at room temperature. Furthermore, a linear relation between the designed wire length and the gate capacitance of SET's was obtained, which clearly indicates that the single island was actually formed in the middle of the one dimensional Si wire. These results were achieved owing to the highly reproducible fabrication process based on pattern dependent oxidation of SIMOX-Si layers.