Blood, Plasma, Serum and Urine Changes Following Hyperoncotic and Iso-Oncotic Dextran

8 hospltalized patients 4-57 yrs. old received among them 9 injections of 375-1000 ml. of sodium-free dextran intraven. during 88-350 min. 4 of the 5 subjects with edema had the nephrotic syndrome and the other one had cardiac and renal failure. In 5 other expts. 500-1000 ml. of 6% dextran in normal saline was administered to 5 patients in 1.3-3 hrs. 2 of the 4 children had nephrosis, and one diabetes mellitus. The other 2 were essentially healthy. The infusion of hyperoncotic 12% sodium-free dextran lowered the hemoglobin, hematocrit and serum protein values, and usually expanded the plasma volume in proportion to or in excess of the volume of administered fluid without any marked change in the concns. of blood and serum solutes. The increased urine flow which usually followed admn. of 12% dextran in water produced no discernible increase in the excretion of Na, K, chloride or N; the above effects were not accompanied by any particular changes in the external or internal exchanges of electrolytes or N. Similar effects were observed following the admn. of 6% dextran in normal saline save that transient elevations in serum Na and chloride were noted in the 2 subjects with nephrosis, urinary volume changes were less pronounced and prompt excretion of administered saline was observed in the 2 subjects without renal disease or oliguria.