Plasma Throinboplastin Component (PTC) Deficiency: A New Disease Resembling Hemophilia

A severe hemorrhagic disease, characterized by a prolonged whole blood coagulation time due to the delayed formation of thrombin, has been found in a 16-yr.-old male, in the presence of normal plasma concns. of all the previously described coagulation factors. A partially purified and concd. prepn. of the patient''s missing factor, free of the anti-hemophilic factor and thrombin, can be prepd. by adsorbing platelet-free oxalated plasma (which has been heated at 56[degree] C for 5 min.) with BaSO4 and subsequent elution with Na citrate. The defect in the patient''s blood may be corrected by the addition of plasma free of the previously described thromboplastin components (e. g., platelet-free hemophilic plasma), as well as by small amounts of tissue thromboplastin. The name "plasma thromboplastin component" (PTC) has been assigned to this previously undescribed coagulation factor.