Primary mass closure of midline incisions with a continuous polyglyconate monofilament absorbable suture

Mass closure of midline incisions with a running large-bore permanent monofilament polypropylene suture has been used in general surgery and gynecology patients with a reported small incidence of fascial dehiscence. Late-occurring wound sinus formation is one problem reported with the use of this permanent suture material. Over a 22-month period, 285 patients had midline incisions closed with a continuous, running no. 1 polyglyconate monofilament delayed absorbable suture. Closely spaced bites (about 1.5 cm apart) were taken and placed 2 cm lateral to the fascial edge. Over 60% of the patients had surgery because of gynecologic cancer. Other high-risk factors included obesity in 62%, diabetes in 19%, and previous irradiation or chemotherapy in 22%. An ovarian cancer staging procedure was done in 16% of the patients. Of the remaining patients, almost half had extensive operative procedures that ranged from exenterations to hysterectomies with lymph node dissection. Wound complications were noted in nine patients (3.2%) Seven had superficial infections, one had an evisceration, and one developed a ventral hernia. Wound sinuses did not occur. The closure technique is safe and expedient and distributes tension equally over a continuous line. It has the additional advantage of eventual absorption of the suture material, thereby avoiding the would sinus problems occasionally reported with large-bore permanent sutures.