The equation of state and the transport coefficients of shear viscosity, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusion, and mutal diffusion are estimated for a binary, equimolar mixture of hard spheres having a diameter ratio of 0.4 and a mass ratio of 0.03 at volumes in the range 1.7V0 to 3V0 (V0=1/2 √2 Ntsuma xa σa3, where xa are the mole fractions, σa are the diameters, and N is the number of particles), complementing and, in some cases, improving earlier low-density results through Monte Carlo, molecular-dynamics calculations using the Green-Kubo formulas. Calculations are reported for 108 to 2048 particles, so that both finite-system and, in the case of the transport coefficients, long-time tail corrections can be applied to obtain accurate estimates of the pressure and the transport coefficients in the thermodynamic limit. Corrections of both types are found to be increasingly important at higher densities, for which the pressure is observed to become nonlinear in 1/N over the range covered. The Mansoori-Carnahan-Starling-Leland (MCSL) equation is found to account for the pressure with considerable accuracy for V≥1.7V0; the difference between the observed (infinite-system) pressure and the MCSL prediction increases monotonically with density, reaching 0.4% at V=1.7V0. For volumes below 2V0 the pressure in excess of the MCSL prediction is found to ‘‘soften’’ slightly in its dependence on the density.