The Role of Psychosocial and Financial Factors in Medication Noncompliance in Epilepsy

Noncompliance in the taking of medication for a chronic disorder was related to emotional adjustment, psychosocial adjustment, ability to assume responsibility in life generally, and financial factors. Of 282 adults with epilepsy, eighty were identified by physicians' ratings as definitely compliant and forty-two as noncompliant. Results showed: 1) there were no differences between compliers and noncompliers in emotional adjustment; 2) noncompliance is not related to the cost of medications or to whether or not they are free; 3) noncompliance is more likely when patients report general financial distress, regardless of actual financial status; 4) persons with regular responsibilities in life also tend to take their medication regularly; and, 5) when reported financial distress and ability to assume responsibilities are considered simultaneously, the likelihood of noncompliance is four times as great in some patient groups as in others.