Phenomenological analysis of high-pTspectra and angular multiplicity correlations inppcollisions

We analyze the high-energy and high-pT proton-proton 90° inclusive spectra in the framework of the constituent-interchange model. We perform both single- and few-term fits to find out whether a small number of hard-collision subprocesses can describe the data. We also consider constraints to the fits due to particle ratios. We conclude that the single-particle spectra together with particle ratios can be understood within factors of two in the model with a few hard subprocesses and with simple structure functions. The main problems occurring in our analysis include omission of some leading hard-subprocess diagrams without justification and inaccurate determination of the power of ε=(missingmass)2s using the counting rules. Using the above results the quantum-number content of particles balancing the high-pT trigger is predicted in the different cases. Next we analyze the data on proton-proton angular multiplicity correlations. We first discuss measurements of the opposite-side multiplicity distributions as a function of angle or rapidity. Using a simplifying assumption we calculate these angular multiplicity distributions in the various cases using the dominant subprocesses found in the single-particle fits described above. Qualitative agreement is found with mildly peripheral amplitudes except for the pion triggers.