Inexpensive Implementations Of Set-Associativity

The traditional approach to implementing wide set- associativity is expensive, requiring a wide tag memory (directory) and many comparators. Here we examine alternative implementations of associativity that use hardware similar to that used to implement a direct-mapped cache. One approach scans tags serially from most-recently used to least-recently used. Another uses a partial compare of a few bits from each tag to reduce the number of tags that must be examined serially. The drawback of both approaches is that they increase cache access time by a factor of two or more over the traditional implementation of set- associativity, making them inappropriate for cache designs in which a fast access time is crucial (e.g. level one caches, caches directly servicing processor requests). These schemes are useful, however, if (1) the low miss ratio of wide set-associative caches is desired, (2) the low cost of a direct-mapped implementation is preferred, and (3) the slower access time of these approaches can be tolerated. We expect these conditions to be true for caches in multiprocessors designed to reduce memory interconnection traffic, caches implemented with large, narrow memory chips, and level two (or higher) caches in a cache hierarchy.

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