Glycogenolytic effect of vasopressin in the canine liver

The effect of synthetic vasopressin and oxytocin upon glucose flux across the liver was studied in fasted, unanesthetized dogs. Blood samples were obtained before and after hormone administration from portal and hepatic veins and aorta by means of catheters chronically implanted in these vessels. Responses to commercial Pitressin and Pitocin also were measured. Immediately following intraportal administration of 5–60 u of vasopressin (or Pitressin) an appreciable increment of glucose appeared in the hepatic vein, reaching a peak at 10 minutes and returning to base line levels within 30 minutes. During this time, glucose concentration in the portal vein failed to increase and in some instances decreased. Administration of 10–40 u of oxytocin (or Pitocin) failed to induce any change in hepatic vein glucose concentration.