Coulomb excitation ofSm152andDy162byO16

Coulomb excitation experiments on Sm152 and Dy162 by 48 MeV O16 particles were performed at 110, 120, and 140° with 50 keV energy resolution. The B(E2,2+4+) and the reduced E2 matrix element 4+M(E2)4+ were deduced from the excitation probabilities by using the quantum-mechanical coupled-channels code AROSA. The results are: B(E2,2+4+)=1.87±0.13 e2b2 4+M(E2)4+=3.4±1.9 eb for Sm152, and for Dy162 B(E2,2+4+)=2.93±0.20 e2b2, 4+M(E2)4+=5.5±3.6 eb. These values agree with the rigid rotator relation within the experimental uncertainties.