Endemic Cretinism in Goiaz, Brazil

Twenty-six endemic cretins were studied in the middle west of Brazil, an endemic goiter region. Goiter was found in 18 patients and deaf-mutism in 10. Clinical and laboratory evidence of hypothyroidism was present in 2 cases. In all others the determination of the 24-hr I131 thyroid uptake and PBI127 gave normal results. A positive serum (low titer) for antithyroglobulin auto-antibodies (TRC test) was found in only one cretin. The clinical appearance of the patients conformed to the descriptions in classic papers on endemic cretinism. All the cretins showed characteristic neurologic signs: oligophrenia, generalized hyperreflexia, spasticity and loss of muscular strength in the lower limbs. In 10 patients we performed electroencephalograms and observed diffuse anomalies; no abnormalities were observed on pneumoencephalograms in 6 cretins. The pathogenesis of endemic cretinism is discussed.

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