Elastic constants of FeF2between 1.5 and 298 K

Transit times of 30-MHz ultrasonic waves have been measured in FeF2 single crystals down to 1.5 K for the first time and used to determine ultrasonic velocities and all the elastic stiffness moduli: C11, C12, C13, C33, C44, and C66. Near the Néel temperature (78.4 K) the longitudinal-mode velocities exhibit inverted λ-type anomalies as in previous work. Our new findings include softening of (C11C12)2 from 298 K on down, suggesting a tendency toward lattice instability, and of C44 below 90 K, due to its internal strain component becoming more negative as the frequency of the Eg Raman mode decreases with decreasing temperature in this range. At 1.5 K we find an elastic Debye temperature of 411±5 K which yields an acoustic-mode heat capacity in agreement with that deduced from heat-capacity data.