Visible wavelength (6470 Å) GaxIn1−xP/GaAs0.66P0.34 quantum wire heterostructures

Utilizing the strain‐induced lateral‐layer ordering (SILO) process, we have grown GaxIn1−xP multiple quantum wires (MQWR) on ternary GaAs0.66P0.34 substrates using a modified strain‐balance mechanism. The resulting [110] lateral modulation occurred with a periodicity of ∼300 Å. Two dimensions of quantum confinement were obtained by surrounding the laterally confined GaxIn1−xP regions by layers of higher‐energy‐gap Al0.15Ga0.53In0.32P in the growth direction. A redshift in the photoluminescence emission was observed as the growth temperature was increased attributed to a stronger lateral composition modulation at the higher growth temperatures. Based on the modified strain‐balance mechanism, light‐emitting diodes with the GaxIn1−xP MQWR active region were fabricated using the SILO process. Strongly TE‐polarized room‐temperature electroluminescence from these devices was observed at 6470 Å.