Longterm treatment with epidural opioids

During a 2-year period, 150 patients were treated with epidural opioids for more than 7 days; 89 received morphine and 61 buprenorphine. In 16 cases, medication was changed from morphine to buprenorphine, and in 6 from buprenorphine to morphine. In 19 patients in each group, the disease process was benign. The median daily dose of morphine was 17 mg given by an average of 2.9 injections; the corresponding figures in the buprenorphine group were 1.3 mg and 2.6 injections. The mean duration of treatment was 49 days (7-397) in the morphine group and 53 days (7-262) in the buprenorphine group. Satisfactory pain relief was achieved in 40 (45%) patients who received morphine and 41 (67%) patients given buprenorphine. Altering medication from morphine to buprenorphine improved analgesia in 32% of patients, while the reverse improved pain relief in a further 46% of the patients. Side effects were reported in 46% of patients given morphine and 20% given buprenorphine. Seventy-one patients were treated on an outpatient basis. In these cases, buprenorphine was administered for 89% of the total duration of treatment and morphine chloride for 52%.

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