Bioavailability of Iron in Green Peas, Spinach, Bran Cereal, and Cornmeal fed to Anemic Rats

Bioavailability of iron from green peas, spinach, bran cereal and cornmeal was evaluated by hemoglobin regeneration efficiency in the anemic rat. By analysis these respective food items contained 85, 163, 55 and 35 mg of iron per kg of dry weight. Iron from ferrous sulfate, peas, spinach, bran cereal and cornmeal was converted to hemoglobin iron with respective efficiencies of 67, 64, 34, 53 and 39 percent. Based on these bioavailabilities, peas, spinach, bran cereal, and cornmeal provide 14, 19, 12, and 3 mg of available iron per 1000 kcal. Plant foods can make significant contribu tions of available iron in the diet.