Fission properties of the 1.5-s spontaneous fission activity produced in bombardment ofCm248withO18

We have measured the mass and kinetic-energy distributions of fragments from the spontaneous fission of a 1.5-s activity produced in bombardments of Cm248 with 95-MeV O18 ions. Its spontaneous fission decay exhibits a very symmetric, narrow (full width at half maximum = 12 mass units) mass distribution, a very high total kinetic energy of 234±2 MeV, and increasing total kinetic energy with increasingly symmetric mass division. Based on its half-life and the similarity of its fission properties to the unique fission properties so far only observed for Fm258 and Fm259, the most likely assignment of this activity is to the known Fm259. However, assignment to some as yet undiscovered neutron-rich heavy element isotope such as Md260 cannot be unequivocally excluded.