Prevention of Recurrent Acute Otitis Media in Otitis-prone Children by Intermittent Prophylaxis with Penicillin

The question whether penicillin V (pcV) given intermittently upon signs of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) in otitis-prone children might prevent recurrent bouts of acute purulent otitis media (AOM) is addressed. As compared with continuous long-term antibiotic treatment as prophylaxis in otitis-prone children, intermittent administration would reduce the overall consumption of antibiotics. Seventy-six otitis-prone children less than 18 months of age were included in this double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled multicentre study. Follow-up was from January till June. One hundred and twenty-three episodes of AOM occurred. The number of AOM episodes was reduced by 50% in the children on pcV during URTI episodes as compared with those on placebo. No obvious ecological drawbacks were noted. Thus, the described mode of pcV administration seems to be a rational and safe way to reduce the number of AOM episodes in otitis-prone children.