The Ll and L eta X-ray emission spectra for Mn, Fe, Ni and Cu elements and in simple compounds excited by secondary radiation, are presented and compared with corresponding spectra from Zn, ZnO and Ga2O3. Variations in the Ll:L eta intensity ratio, which is often found to be very much less than the theoretical value of 0.5, are ascribed to the intervention of the Auger process L2L3M4,5 which effectively converts L2 holes into L3 holes; it is assumed that a 3d spectator hole will not affect the energy of a 3s to 2p transition. Chemical factors considerably affect the probability of the L2L3M4,5 Auger process so that in the case of ferricyanide, for example, Ll:L eta =0.46. A comparison is made between the structure of L eta and Ll X-ray emission peaks and 3s and 2p peaks in X-ray photoelectron spectra.