370 W output power GaN-FET amplifier for W-CDMA cellular base stations

A single-ended amplifier using small packaged GaN-FETs exhibits a record 2.14 GHz W-CDMA output power. The amplifier, composed of paralleled 48 mm gate periphery FET die, delivers a peak saturated output power of 371 W with a linear gain of 11.2 dB at a drain voltage of 45 V under 2.14 GHz 3GPP W-CDMA signal input. The output power density (output power/package size) of 1.1 W/mm2 is twice as high as that of the existing over 300 W GaAs-FET amplifiers. A low 5 MHz offset ACLR of −36 dBc with a drain efficiency of 24% is also obtained at 8 dB power back off from the saturated output power.