Arthroderma insingularesp. nov., another Gymnoascaceous state of theTrichophyton terrestrecomplex

Arthroderma insingulare is described as a new species of the Gymnoascaceae with a conidial state in the Trichophyton terrestre complex. The conidial state of A. insingulare has a moderate number of 2-celled conidia in addition to many 1-celled conidia. This differentiates it from A. cuniculi which has predominantly 1-celled conidia with a few 2–3-celled conidia present in some strains, and A. quadrifidum which has many multiseptate conidia in most isolates. Some isolates of A. insingulare form red pigment on the reverse as do some isolates of A. quadrifidum and most isolates of A. ciferrii. A. insingulare is known to occur in Canada, U.S.A., Hungary and Czechoslovakia.