Inclusive Measurement of the Photon Energy Spectrum inbsγDecays

We report a fully inclusive measurement of the flavor changing neutral current decay bsγ in the energy range 1.8   GeVEγ*2.8   GeV, covering 95% of the total spectrum. Using 140   fb1, we obtain B(bsγ)=(3.55±0.320.310.07+0.30+0.11)×104, where the errors are statistical, systematic, and from theory corrections. We also measure the first and second moments of the photon energy spectrum above 1.8   GeV and obtain Eγ=2.292±0.026±0.034   GeV and Eγ2Eγ2=0.0305±0.0074±0.0063   GeV2, where the errors are statistical and systematic.