The B-Vitamins in Relation to a Cobalt Deficiency in Sheep

Vitamin B12 injected into cobalt-deficient lambs in doses of 100 γ daily (1 lamb) or given orally in 200 γ daily doses (1 lamb) for a period of 4 weeks failed to produce a satisfactory response. A complete B-vitamin supplement given daily by mouth for a period of 7 weeks reversed all symptoms of a cobalt deficiency (2 lambs). A supplement of only folic acid and pyridoxine aggravated a cobalt deficiency as measured by external appearances, hemoglobin values, weight losses, and a highly distorted lymphocyte and neutrophile ratio (2 lambs). A complete B-vitamin supplement less folic acid and pyridoxine in 2 other lambs gave varying results. These data suggest that the physiological role of cobalt in sheep is by some route other than through vitamin By even though there is an extremely large synthesis of this vitamin in the rumen of cobalt-supplemented sheep. The beneficial action of cobalt may be through production of the members of the B-vitamins in the rumen. Copyright © . .