Detns. were made of the rate of bile flow and pigment excretion in Thomas-type tubulated duodenal-fistula dogs, bile being obtained by inserting a temporary glass cannula into the common duct. After intraven. injn. of bilirubin, pigment excretion in the bile increased promptly, chiefly by increased concn. BSP injected intraven. also appeared promptly in the bile, in approx. the same proportions as bilirubin. Pigment excretion was not depressed during the period of max. excretion of BSP. When bilirubin and BSP were injected simultaneously, there was evidence that, at elevated serum bilirubin concns., bilirubin and BSP may compete for a common excretory mechanism, the BSP being excreted preferentially. The quantity of bilirubin and BSP removed from the blood stream at any time during prolonged injn. greatly exceeded the quantity excreted in the bile up to that time. If the liver is the only organ involved in the removal of these substances from the blood, this implies a phase of temporary storage in that organ prior to their passage into the bile.

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