Review Article: Introduction to the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) for Pediatric Neuroclinicians

This article introduces the neuroclinician to the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC), a new test of intelligence and achievement with a strong theoretical base supported by diverse cognitive and neuropsychological research. The K-ABC global scales and their subtests are described in some detail, followed by a discussion of the neuropsychological relevance of the K-ABC subtests. The article also provides discussions of research in the following areas: (1) psychometric properties of the K-ABC and a comparison to the Wechsler scales; (2) interpretation and remediation of sequential-simultaneous processing differences; (3) the value of the K-ABC in the assessment of minority children; and (4) controversy surrounding the K-ABC. ( J Child Neurol 1987;2:3-16).