Listeria Cerebritis

In 3 cases ofListeriacerebritis, two of the patients had relapse with cerebritis after antimicrobial therapy for acuteListeriasepticemia or meningitis. Each had received ten to 14 days of intravenous penicillin. Relapse occurred with fever and sudden focal cerebral dysfunction. Brain scans showed focal uptake; arteriograms and computerized tomography were normal. Cerebrospinal fluids were nondiagnostic; blood cultures yieldedListeriain two patients. Penicillin treatment for six weeks produced rapid clinical responses that were complete in one and minimal residual in two. Progress brain scans were normal. A relapse rate of 35% is reported in transplant patients withListeriameningitis and/or bacteremia who are treated for less than three weeks; to our knowledge, cerebritis in such patients has not been reported previously. High-dose penicillin or ampicillin therapy for four to six weeks is recommended forListeriainfections in this select group. (Arch Intern Med138:83-87, 1978)