Ultrastructural observations of organelle accumulation in the equine recurrent laryngeal nerve

The left recurrent laryngeal nerves from five horses with sub-clinical neuropathy were examined by light and electron microscopy in a study designed to examine accumulation of axonal organelles at paranodal and internodal locations. Transverse sections of the nerve showed scattered fibres with split myelin sheaths and axonal accumulation of organelles. On longitudinal sections these collections were seen to result from an axonal outpouching in which dense lamellar bodies and mitochondria had accumulated. These paranodal collections, which could be found on both sides of the node, were often associated with infoldings of the terminal loops of myelin and with occasional paranodal demyelination. The fact that many of the organelles in the outpouches were lysosomal in nature was confirmed by their positive staining for cathepsin D activity. Longitudinal sections demonstrated a number of axons which were swollen over a long distance and which contained focal accumulations of similar organelles. In places, however, there was a clear separation between these organelles and the cytoskeletal proteins. In each case these swollen axons were surrounded by Schwann cell nuclei and their processes, forming well-ordered onion bulbs. The possibility that these two types of changes, i.e. the paranodal accumulations and the axonal swellings could result from a disturbance in axonal transport in this distal axonopathy is discussed.