Hb solns. were prepared by hemolyzing washed cattle red cells, removing the stroma and extracting the lipids with ether. Verdo-Hb was obtained by mixing 150 cc. of phosphate buffer, pH 7.17, 40 cc. of an aq. soln. of 1 g. of ascorbic acid neutralized with NaOH, and 10 cc. of the Hb. soln. The mixture was aerated for 3 hr. with O2 at 38[degree]. The yerdo-Hb formed was converted into biliverdin (dehydrobilirubin) by addition of 60 cc. glacial acetic acid and 30 g. Na acetate to the soln. Reduction of the biliyerdin by Zn dust and NH3 gave bilirubin. Catalase inhibited the formation of verdo-Hb. 10% of the hem present in Hb was obtained as biliyerdin. The remainder formed some other pyrrole derivative. This yield of biliverdin could not be increased by repeated oxygenation and reduction of the Hb.

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