Observations on Sodium Chloride Depletion in the Dog

A salt-deficiency syndrome was produced in 12 dogs by intraven. injns. of 50% sucrose while maintaining the animals on a low salt diet. During the period of salt deficiency blood studies showed a reduction in plasma volume, available fluid volume (NaSCN), serum Na and Cl cones and a rise in hematocrit value and serum protein concn. Body weight remained essentially unchanged. The daily water intake increased in every instance and dropped to control values after addition of salt to the diet. There was a corresponding change in urine output. While the diuretic response to water was not consistent, the results did show that a typical water diuresis can be obtained with chloride values as low as 85 meq./l. The glomerular filtration rate as measured by the clearance of creatinine did not decrease during the period of salt deficiency.