The serum colloidal gold reaction was positive in 91 or 36.8% of the 247 patients with diabetes. Positive reactions occurred in 43.2% of 148 patients whose control and insulin treatment was difficult and in 27.1% of the 99 patients whose diabetes had been carefully managed for several yrs. Hepatic disease appeared to be much more prevalent in severe diabetes than in mild diabetes. The colloidal gold reaction was positive in 49.9% of 123 patients with severe diabetes as compared with 23.3% of 124 patients with mild diabetes. The highest incidence of liver disease occurred in the poorly con- trolled diabetic patients. The colloidal gold test was positive in 57.1% of 84 poorly controlled patients as compared with 26.3% of 163 well controlled patients. The colloidal gold reaction was positive in 77.2% of 22 patients who were studied while in diabetic coma or diabetic acidosis.